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So Fujii 【1st – 6th  February】“I drew someone’s pets in this exhibition because I wanted to share feelings through my illustrations. People who keep pets have various emotions, like happiness, joy, sometimes frustration, and sadness towards their pets. But this is just what it means to love your pets. So I started to collect images of pets on social networking sites. The pictures the owners took are great and helpful for my drawings. When they see my illustrations, I’m happy that they can look back on their memories and feel their love once more.” So Fujii Illustrator, born in Toyama, Japan. Living in London since 2016. He has created many … Read More


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So Fujii 【1st – 6th  February】“I drew someone’s pets in this exhibition because I wanted to share feelings through my illustrations. People who keep pets have various emotions, like happiness, joy, sometimes frustration, and sadness towards their pets. But this is just what it means to love your pets. So I started to collect images of pets on social networking sites. The pictures the owners took are great and helpful for my drawings. When they see my illustrations, I’m happy that they can look back on their memories and feel their love once more.” So Fujii Illustrator, born in Toyama, Japan. Living in London since 2016. He has created many … Read More


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Svetlana Wheeler 【11th – 25th January】 The reception: 11th January, 18:00-20:00 Book your ticket here: Yuzen is the Japanese traditional craft of silk dye-resist painting. It was originally used to decorate kimono and obi (sash) and has been practised for centuries. Typically, artists draw mainly on natural and seasonal iconography for inspiration, using the elements too, in combinations that often comprise water and skies, flowers and leaves. In this exhibition, Svetlana unifies insistent themes of nature and peace. At times, it is direct and explicit, such as Koi resting languidly in a pond, beneath an autumnal tree. In others, perhaps less so, such as the cooling air of a … Read More

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